I grew up near Toledo, Ohio.   I developed a love for boating on the shores of the Maumee River and Lake Erie.  My favorite place as a chld was Cedar Point amusement park .  The distance between Cedar Point Amusement Park and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame by boat is approximately 63 nautical miles (72.5 statute miles) across Lake Erie5.

My Dad’s Dream, before his death from leukemia (blood cancer)  January 18, 2016, was was to pilot his cabin cruiser from his home in Champlain, NY around the great loop.   He died 6 days after David Bowie died of liver cancer.   I remember the headline the day my father died was bold “PLANET EARTH IS BLUE”.

Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you-

Here, am I floating ’round my tin can
Far, above the moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do

The Great Loop nautical route from Champlain, NY to Champlain, NY is a circular journey that covers approximately 6,000 miles of waterways16This route takes boaters through a diverse range of waterways, including canals, rivers, coastal waters, and the Great Lakes. The journey typically takes about a year to complete, with boaters adjusting their schedule to be in certain areas during the most favorable seasons11.

Who will join us along the way?


6,746 Nautical Miles

28 days @ 10 knots


From ROCK: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (Lake Erie, Cleveland, OH)

Assuming a ship traveling at 6 knots (about 6.9 mph or 11.1 km/h), here’s a list of ports where the ship could potentially stop overnight on a journey from Cleveland, OH to Morro Bay, CA through the Panama Canal:

  1. Port of Cleveland, OH (starting point)

  2. Port of Buffalo, NY

  3. Port of Toronto, Canada

  4. Port of Montreal, Canada

  5. Port of Quebec City, Canada

  6. Port of Halifax, Nova Scotia

  7. Port of Boston, MA

  8. Port of New York and New Jersey

  9. Port of Philadelphia, PA

  10. Port of Baltimore, MD

  11. Port of Norfolk, VA

  12. Port of Charleston, SC

  13. Port of Jacksonville, FL

  14. Port of Miami, FL

  15. Port of Havana, Cuba

  16. Port of George Town, Grand Cayman2

  17. Port of Cartagena, Colombia2

  18. Port of Colón, Panama2

  19. Port of Panama City (Fuerte Amador), Panama4

  20. Port of Puntarenas, Costa Rica6

  21. Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala26

  22. Port of Acapulco, Mexico

  23. Port of Manzanillo, Mexico

  24. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico26

  25. Port of San Diego, CA

  26. Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, CA

  27. Port of Morro Bay, CA (final destination)

Aquafen – Destined For The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

In the book Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around The World his wife once asked why?  Why was he so obsessed with his work trying to perfect amplifiers and electric guitars?  Leo told her that he had a dream.  He said “Jesus told me that this world was going to be a very tough place. He told me that he had sent angels to the earth. He called these angels “musicians,” and they make the world more bearable and bring joy.”  “The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Yep.” – The Blues Brothers  LOL (see video in slider below)


Experience the Rockin’ History of Cleveland: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Beyond

The heart of rock ‘n’ roll is still beating in Cleveland.

Summer Home


Spring (Primavera)



Panama Canal








Mission From God

In the book Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around The World his wife once asked why?  Why was he so obsessed with his work trying to perfect amplifiers and electric guitars?  Leo told her that he had a dream.  He said “Jesus told me that this world was going to be a very tough place. He told me that he had sent angels to the earth. He called these angels “musicians,” and they make the world more bearable and bring joy.”  “The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Yep.” – The Blues Brothers  LOL (see video in slider below)